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Is Mustard Oil is healthy for you
Mustard Oil is widely used in almost every house in Pakistan. Mustard plants are yellow and looking so Beautiful in its spring season in these Flowers seeds, of Mustard are ripe. from these seeds, oil is extracting. many companies refine Mustard Oil and supply in Good quality packing form. in Pakistan, it Harvests on large scale. it also used in “India” Turkey” “Malaysia” and many other countries over the world. Mustard Oil has Amazing benefits for Health and Fitness.
It can repairs skin that is affected by Sunburn it reduces scars on the skin Mustard Oil is used in medicines and also used for cooking purposes. massage of Mustard Oil is effective for the body it warms and moisturizes the body.
Hair massage reduces hair fall.
For joints pain, Mustard Oil is useful it has a low level of cholesterol which's why is effective for Heart patients.
Dryness of skin in winters can reduce by using Mustard Oil. Mustard Oil is considered the master of all other oils.
It is available for internal and external uses.
More ever it is available at a low cost as compared to other oils.
Nutrition facts of Mustard Oil
If you take one spoon of Mustard Oil it has 14 Grams of Fats.
Oils are usually a Natural source of Fats.
In 14 Grams Fats
12 Grams is Healthy Fats or Unsaturated Fats.
An unhealthy Fat that we also called Saturated Fat is 2 Grams.
the Quantity of unhealthy Fats is very low.
It contains antibacterial properties.
Some major Benefits
It is ideal for skin and hair of all types.
Mustard Oil contains anti-Fungal properties. It fights against internal bacteria .it is effective for external infections also e.g fungal infection on the skin.
It has a high amount of Vitamin E that is good for skin health.
Mustard Oil has a high amount of omega fatty 3 acids. that’s why it improves hair health it promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall. It helps hair to become healthier.
It is Good for Gum infection if it uses with salt.
It reduces the effect of inflammation.
It provides relaxation to stressed muscles that’s why massage of Mustard Oil is mostly used.
It reduces stress levels.
It can be used as a natural sunscreen. It is also used for moisturizing the lips and Dryness in winters.
It is used in medicines and provides relief from cough and cold.
It is also beneficial in asthma.
It reduces the risk of cancer. And also good for heart patients.
It prevents premature Greying.
It stimulates the sweats Glands.
Hair problems
Sometimes issues in hair e.g etching or smell in the hair are developed this is very irritating you can overcome this by using Mustard Oil.
Neem one Bowl
Mustard oil half liter
How to use
Grind the leaves of Neem and make a paste of it without using water when it changes into paste form then pour in a pan and add half litter f Mustard Oil. heat this mixture on low flame. When it changes into green color then off the stove and leave it to getting normal .you can use this before bath and after bath also it will solve your all hair problems.
For Hair Growth
Hair Growth a serious issue every second person is worried about hair fall. I will give you home base natural remedy.
Mustard Half litter
Kalonji 1 Tablespoon
How to use
Take half a liter of Mustard Oil pours it into a pan add 1 Tablespoon kalonji in it and on the stove at low flame use a spoon to mix it not close the flame until bubbles appear on the surface of the oil. leave it to getting normal at room temperature. use this oil every day it promotes hair growth and reduces hair fall.
For Thin Hair
Some people have very thin hair that is mostly falling to make such hair thick I will give you a remedy of Mustard Oil.
Onions half piece
Mustard oil half litter
How to use
Take half piece of one onion and put in a pan add half litter of Mustard Oil cook it until the onion is burned. when the onion is burning or roasted then mix it well safe this oil in a bottle using a regular basis gives you thick and long hair after two weeks.
For long and strong Hair
for long and strong hair mix mustard oil with another oil and get long hair.
Mustard oil half cup
Amla oil half cup
How to use
mix Amla oil with Mustard oil and pour it into a safe bottle and use this oil regularly it strengthens your hair and makes them long and strong and shiny.
Face mask of Mustard Oil
I will give you a face mask that nourishes your skin and gives you a natural glow on your face.
Mustard Oil 2 Tablespoon
Gram 2 Tablespoon
Yogurt 1 Teaspoon
Lemon Few drops
How to use
Mix all these ingredients in a bowl and make s paste of it apply this mask on face and leave it for 20 minutes after that wash your face with normal water. use this mask two times a week. people with sensitive skin can add or reduce the amount of mustard oil according to their will give you a natural glow on the skin.
Besides all the remedies
You can use simple Mustard oil for hair massage it strengthens the roots of the hair and makes it strong people who have weak hair can adopt the habit of hair massage with mustard gives shine and strength to hair.
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