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How to get rid of dark circles under eyes

  This article is published by How to get rid of dark circles under eyes The Dark circle is a common problem in every age group. most people are asked about dark circles under the eyes. these circles damaged the Grace of your personality and young boys and girls are worried about it. The question which is frequently asked these days is that how to remove dark circles under the eyes. The Face is like mirror eyes are beautiful on the face dark circles to affect the beauty of a face. Sometimes dark circles are so dark that they are not hidden with makeup. The skin under the eyes is very thin as compared to the rest of the whole face that's why it get dark soon. Before I suggest any treatment of dark circles we should know about the reasons that cause dark circles under the eyes. the reason dark circles are different from person to person. Causes of dark circles under eyes The main reason is that you Genetically acquire dark circles. these are ca...

How we can Protect Eyes

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How we can Protect Eyes

How we can Protect Eyes

Eyes are the most important part of our body. the visual system is nothing without eyes. These are a gift from Allah and because of their importance, we should especially need to Protect Eyes because if we are not protecting them, there can be such a dangerous disease e. g “Black Cataracts”.

This eye disease causes blindness.

These tiny optical instruments are too valuable for us and have a very complex structure .it is not very easy to understand this complex structure it looks like a ping-pong ball .sensitivity of this organ demands more care .any fault in this sensitive organ is very painful for us.

In addition, lack of light and dry eyes can also be a major problem. Over time, eye disease is on increasing rapidly, especially due to air pollution. Eye diseases are also at a rising rate today.

Avoid touching eyes with dirty dirt smoke is the major cause of eye problems as eyes are too much sense that’s why dirt and smoke affect a lot to this sensitive organ.

We will give you some information about how we can Protect our Eyes. but a balanced diet is an essential element for a healthy body.


Healthy diet

For this, we should also use more foods that contain a sufficient amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin B, and vitamin C. in carrots and green leafy vegetables are also included and source of these vitamins fennel is also very effective for eye health. We should make our children accustomed to such foods from the beginning. in the future, they are not affected by eye problems and their eyesight becomes strong.

Add fish egg yolks and apricots to your diet. They add a new glow to the eyes and increase their eyesight.

Family history

 if you have a disease like diabetes, high blood pressure especially in family diseases like diabetes. Can be dangerous for eye health it affects you a lot.

Use sunglasses

The use of sunglasses is very important for the protection of the eyes. The use of sunglasses is very important as it not only protects your eyes from the rays of the sun but also protects them from dust. Always use good quality sunglasses because quality matters a lot.

Use of computer

Use a computer Whenever you using it much important to make sure that you do not use the computer for more than twenty minutes and do not look at yourself at that time. Every twenty minutes, look around see off from the screen. Make sure to take a break and try to make sure that the screen is at the level of your eyes. Use a suitable chair. Do not sit in an up and down place to use the computer.

Stops smoking

if you have the habit of smoking it's very dangerous for your health even for the eyes if you have this problem consult with your doctor. Nicotine injuries to health .little amount of assumption of nicotine are harmful to you.

Improve sleeping habit

Taking not enough sleeping is a cause of eye problems. when you did not take proper sleeping your eyes look dull and weak .taking 7 to 8 hours of sleep at night follow an effective sleep schedule wake up early in the morning it keeps you fresh all day and your eyes become glowing. don’t take too much bed rest in day times.

Don’t take stress

Stress anxiety and depression puts harmful effects on your eyes' health .eyes look lazy and dumb because of these problems. Besides this stress put harmful effects on human health is too much dangerous for overall physical health.

Make eye exercises a habit for eye health

Exercise for eyes

(1) and look at up and then down without moving for a while and then repeat this process ten times.

(2) Looking straight and then move eyes slowly from left to right.

Do this process three to four times a day.

(3) Rotate the eyelids in circles, first clockwise and then anti-clockwise. Repeat this process five times.

Always use appropriate lighting when reading and writing.

Do not read and write in low light. The light should not be Dim and should not be coming from left or right.

You can do these exercises very easily at home without any investment of time or money. by adopting these precautions you can easily Protect your Eyes.

Also read these Articles:

How to lose weight Naturally

How to heals cracked heels

How to prevent Freckles

Benefits of Beetroot


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