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How to get rid of dark circles under eyes

  This article is published by How to get rid of dark circles under eyes The Dark circle is a common problem in every age group. most people are asked about dark circles under the eyes. these circles damaged the Grace of your personality and young boys and girls are worried about it. The question which is frequently asked these days is that how to remove dark circles under the eyes. The Face is like mirror eyes are beautiful on the face dark circles to affect the beauty of a face. Sometimes dark circles are so dark that they are not hidden with makeup. The skin under the eyes is very thin as compared to the rest of the whole face that's why it get dark soon. Before I suggest any treatment of dark circles we should know about the reasons that cause dark circles under the eyes. the reason dark circles are different from person to person. Causes of dark circles under eyes The main reason is that you Genetically acquire dark circles. these are ca...

What is Acne on the face

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What is Acne on the face

 What is Acne on the face?

Facial acne is an inflammation of the pores of the skin. It is appearing by chemical changes that occur during adolescence. Acne mainly affects boys and girls. In some countries, girls often go to the doctor because they are more aware of the appearance of blemishes on their faces. Excess is the result of over-the-counter chemical action. It closes its mouth. Grease builds up in the human face which makes Acne on the face.

Shiny and bright skin is important for everyone but these acne pimples affect your skin badly maybe you inherit this.

Grease closes the pores. Climate temperature rises grease on the skin. The abundance of peanuts, chickpeas, pistachios, and sweets increases the risk of this disease. The number of germs increases if the exact cause of the disease and the problem of its prevention is not completely clear but there are many types of germs on human beings and they can be seen as soon as they come into existence. Vaccines used to be made. It has been found that people who have more dryness on their face also suffer from dry scalp. This disease is called a disease which has a personal meaning of scabies. They can increase the fat in the scalp, but often the excess fat starts in the scalp first and then the same happens on the face. It has been observed that when the scalp is treated, the acne should be stopped from there. Wounds also begin to occur. This condition is not as youthful as we used to be. Some of the Tv actors have acne on the face. They also appear on the screen.

How appears Acne on the face

When scalp in hair comes onto your shoulders and then on face pimples are appears on skin This disease also affects most of the people. It has been estimated that At least 25 people are affected by the disease, which affects women more than men.

Generally, people consider this disease to be a cause of poor Digestion but this has not been proven yet. This is due to the fact that after some psychological stimuli redness appears on the face. Some people get rid of acne after marriage, but not necessarily.

The biggest sign of this is that one of the Blackspots appears on the face. It is called Blackhead. Acne in the neck and shoulders comes from the front and back of the shoulder. These can be a few and a young person who is physically weak and suffers from other problems usually does come out under the eyes except for a full face. the Remaining part of the skin is glowing and it is clear that there is acne on the face. Often the number of people starts to decrease automatically after a while and disappears in two or three years but the period may increase and the patient's health may disturb. Depending on if they are weak and even during breastfeeding these functions may occur during these periods.

In people in the Cold areas, a type of acne appears on the shoulder and arm but patients keep coming out of it until they go to a hot area.

It has been observed that if it is not very good but it is difficult to cure. As soon as these children grow up such pimples really come out. It appears Acne on the face by overeating chocolates. The small blackhead appears on the face and then it grows up. They then wrap the entire thickness of the skin in it. After each wound has healed there is a scar left. that looks very ugly increases the number of human beings on it and also becomes a serious issue.

In our country pimples on the face are always considered as a cause of blood disorder although this is not the case.


Wash the face at least three to four times a day and then dry it with a thick towel. After some time pores of the skin open and clean it smoothly.

for Acne removal wash your face with Basin it absorbs a layer of oil on the face and the face becomes dry.

a layer of oil will be eliminated and germs will be eliminated from the skin by doing it again and again. don't too much eat chocolate sweets and nuts.

 Avoid using any kind of moisture on the face such as any face cream etc. Don't use beauty cream and don't use it for eliminating acne it makes It seems that the blood vessels on the face have become watery. don’t use any nourishing cream on the face.

The fact is that it is not yet known how this disease is caused. It is possible that acne is gone and after some time it speared to arms and shoulders and neck and small pimples come out.

But it becomes permanent and the face becomes ugly due to grief. Flexible moisture is excreted especially in men. Their condition may worsen.

When you are affected by this disease use separate towel soap and other this of daily use.

Avoid fat and don’t take fast food items chips and such types of eatables.

People with oily skin should follow these precautions to Prevent Acne on the face.

Tips to open the pores of skin

When the pores are closed, the skin becomes more oily and germs cause inflammation on the skin. An easy way to get rid of this problem is to wash your face more than once a day. Use soap. Even if you wash it too much the skin starts to explode. Always wash your face with gram flour it is soft. Therefore it absorbs grease and does not affect it in any way.

it helps to prevent acne on the face.

Also read this: Unwanted Hair 

Hot Towels

In Europe barbers clean their client's faces with steam put a towel in the hot water and then take it out and put it on the face of the client. Two minutes later, when it starts to cool down, they put another hot towel in its place. By keeping this process for ten to fifteen minutes skin pores open up their system. This is a cheap easy and useful way that can be used easily at home Doing so on the second and third day may break acne germs even if no other medicine has been used with also prevents Acne on the Face.


Kalonji 10 Grams

Hina leaf 10 Grams

Sana Maki 10 Grams

Hab ur Rishad 10 Grams

Mix all these ingredients in 900 Gram Fruit vinegar and boil it for 5 minutes. now a Lotion is prepared to use this lotion every night on the face and in hairs also.

And if the acne is still not gone then take 10 Grams Qust E Sheren after meals day and night.


Qust E Sheren 65 Grams

Kalonji 20 Grams

Kasni Leafs 5 Grams

Mix these ingredients and Grind them forms into powder use these 5 Grams only after a meal in the day after a few days you get rid of acne. This remedy works after one week but 70% of people recover from it and get rid of Acne on the face.


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